Mari Mari!!!
That's Mapuche for "hello"! You learn something new everyday!! This week was pretty fun! We had a ton of stuff going on!! To start off the week we did some exchanges with some elders in Osorno!! It was an awesome experience! Elder Spencer and I went to go teach some Haitians! They don't speak Spanish, they speak Creole! It's a mix of Spanish and French and a native language. And, it's also a yummy type of food found in the American south! But, it was a pretty spiritual lesson! We taught about 13 at the same time, they all just moved here from Haiti and all share a single room apartment! We tried our best to share about the Book of Mormon! I don't know if they understood what we were saying, but everyone understands the spirit!! It was pretty amazing to see them laughing, singing, and telling jokes after having moved more then 2000 miles and sharing a 20 foot by 20 foot single room apartment with 12 other people! After the lesson we played soccer with a bunch of investigators! Then we ordered some real pizza from Papa Johns!! It was the best pizza I've had in my entire mission!!
We had an awesome combined activity with all of the elders and sisters in Osorno! It was about the Plan of Salvation! We started the night by sending everyone into a room filled with a ton of fun games, food, and candy, and then one booth of missionaries with pamphlets and church material! Naturally everyone went to the games and candy! We gave them tickets when they won games and they could use those tickets to buy food too!! Almost no one went to the booth with the missionaries! We stopped all of the games and asked everyone to count how many tickets they had. The tickets represent the sins of the world and the distractions of the world! So, the people who had the most tickets were sent to the "Terrestrial Kingdom" or a pitch dark room that we left the windows open in all day so it was freezing! The people who only had a few tickets went to the "Telestial kingdom" which was a room with some lights in there and only one couch for about 40 people haha and then the people who had the least amount of tickets went to the Celestial kingdom!! It was a super nice room and we paid for a massage guy to come and give them massages with freshly squeezed juice and it was warm!! We made them all stay in their rooms for about 20 minutes and we sent a few of the people from the Celestial kingdom with juice in their hands to brag in the other kingdoms. hahaha Afterwards we had an awesome fireside!! It was a super fun object lesson haha
We didn't get to see the family of Walter this week, but they sent us a message that everyone is having a great time, they get back from Cuba next week! I didn't get to be in any lessons with Nataly, Maite, or Maria this week because I was in the office or getting things done in some other sectors, but they all are progressing towards their baptismal dates!! It was fun because we went to go visit a few members this week and our investigators were there hanging out with the members and we had no idea!!!
I was reading in Matthew this week and I loved the contrast of the parables of the Hidden Treasure and The Pearl of Great Price!! Go read them if you can. In the parable of the Hidden Treasure the man comes across a hidden treasure in the ground, he quickly went and sold all that he owned and bought the land with the treasure hidden within! In the Pearl of great price, the man, a pearl merchant, who spends all of his time looking for the best, most valuable pearls comes across the pearl of all pearls. He quickly went and sold all that he owned and bought the pearl! The treasure and the pearl is the Kingdom of God. It does not matter how we encounter the Kingdom of God, whether it be through a lifetime of searching, buying, and trading like the pearl merchant, or if we happen to come of across it like the man in the hidden treasure, as soon as we encounter the kingdom of God and realize its worth, we must act as quick as we can to obtain it. Its important to note that the Merchant, and the man in the Hidden Treasure both paid the same price, "all that they had". It does not matter if we are wealthy merchants, or middle class workers, the price to enter the kingdom of God is the same for everyone. It's all that we have, all of our money, our hearts, our knowledge. All of our being is the price needed to enter the kingdom of God, anything less will block us from entry!
Everything is going great here!! It rained a ton this week, the hour also moved back so we get less daylight AGAIN!! WOOH. But, now we have a Papa John's and Subway!! Also I'll attach a picture of the futon that we made and our Christmas light decorations that we put up!! Love you all!!